Sunday, October 13, 2024

Movies and themes of Dystopian story lines. Would Bill Gates be a Villain?

 Brain drippings ...  Movies and themes of Dystopian story lines. What makes a Villain?

 Many movies have a main Villain to drive the story.

Just How Dystopian is that villain's plan?  Don’t those movies start with a uber rich big-headed (egomaniacal) villain of some type that thinks his random thought is more important than other peoples’ rights?  All the James Bond movies have such a villain.  The movie Kingsman does. I watched this one most recently.

Bill Gates has said repeatedly that he wants to have the world population to Go Down by 15% with his \/accinations etc. 


World Population ...  Call it 8.180 Billion and therefore 15%
is = 1 Billion, Two hundred Twenty Seven Million People.

 That is a Lot of Dead.  1,227,000,000 souls.   Lives.  Hopes.  Loves.  Smiles.  To be lost.   =>  8,179,987,??? +     as of today. 10/1/2024


Just for grounding.  And to put this in context.  How many have died from War and Communism?  To reach Bill Gates' total of around 1.2 billion deaths, we can include all these significant events in this timeline of significant events with mass deaths, along with their estimated death tolls:

·         An Lushan Rebellion (755-763): 13 to 36 million deaths.
  • ·         Black Death (1347-1351): 75 to 200 million deaths.
  • ·         Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864): 20 to 30 million deaths.
  • ·         World War One (1914-1918): 15 to 22 million deaths.
  • ·         1918 Influenza Pandemic: 20 to 40 million deaths.
  • ·         World War Two (1939-1945): 70 to 85 million deaths.
  • ·         Communism in Bolshevik Russia (1917-1953): 20 million deaths.
  • ·         Communism in Maoist China (1949-1976): 40 to 80 million deaths.
  • ·         Communism in Pol Pot’s Cambodia (1975-1979): 1.5 to 2 million deaths.
  • ·         The Great Chinese Famine (1959-1961): 15 to 45 million deaths.
  • ·         The Congo Free State (1885-1908): 10 million deaths.
  • ·         The Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815): 3.5 to 6 million deaths.
  • ·         The Korean War (1950-1953): 2.5 to 3 million deaths.
  • ·         The Vietnam War (1955-1975): 2 to 3 million deaths.
  •  Summing these estimates, we get to a rough total of approximately 1.2 billion deaths.


    To get to his goal in 15% less of all the people now currently alive, to be dead, we must add up ALL of those mass catastrophes together.  Wow.  Getting a grip on the 15% he is talking about.

    The WW2 numbers include the holocaust and dead on all sides (~85 Million).  And add to that... the combinations of as many Russians that the Bolshevik (~20+ Million) and the Chinese (~80 Million) communist revolutions killed.  Together these three events  make up just about 15% of Bill Gate’s dystopian death goal.


    IMHO War is Bad.  IMHO wanting people dead by the millions is really bad.  His goal of a Billion less souls on the plant is Dystopian Apocalyptic level bad.  Does he plan to automate enough to overcome the loss to society?  Can we keep modern functions going after that?  Power, Manufacturing, Air Travel, Shipping etc.?


    I want us all to survive and thrive.  And I think there is the ability to make enough food.

    We need to think positively about our species.  Bill doesn’t.

    And no, there is no hero like Get Smart, or 007, or a Kingsman to save us.  The CIA and the FBI and the NWO are all on the same side now supporting the “Kaos” we are in.

    Or is there a chance an average man can make changes that matter?  Could it be RFK Jr who is part of a solution by protecting us from unhealthy stuff that will kill off so many innocent people?

    Oh and to see Bill Gates on You Tube…  Find your speech of choice.  His level of influence is wild.  Who wrote that script?  What would that movie be called and would anyone believe it?
    Example…    On a simple search you can see lots of MSM articles and stories to “fact check” or quantify or downplay this reality.  The reality… Less People is the goal.  MSM is doing its best to say, no that’s not what he really meant.  So no he did not say he wants 3 billion to die.  He said he wants 10 to 15 % fewer people.  Therefore my math above.

    BTW with the current situation that we are close enough to living out is in the movie Children of Men. Review that movie story line.  Lack of children.  Governments in financial hardship.  Mass deportation of migrants that have overwhelmed the western nations.  Not a pretty story line.

    Hope the above got your mind to grapple with the reality of the goals of a major influencer.

    And why we all should really pay attention to the outsider wanting to Make American Healthy once again.  #MAHA is a great idea.  Look for and please listen to RFK Jr.

    Especially if you can find the full 48 minutes of his announcement to end his run for the White House.  Lots of interesting stuff tucked into that speech.

    Thanks for reading to here.

    That is my brain drippings for today.

    Keith  -<”><

    Monday, September 09, 2024

    Public Service Announcement on TDS by Nicole Shanahan

    Hilarious or not?  The Public Service Announcement on TDS by Nicole Shanahan
    ( Nicole Shanahan is the VP pick of Independent candidate JFK Jr.)

    " Are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses such as TDS, also known as Trump Derangement Syndrome? Do you dismiss or deny the current issues facing our country, such as historic inflation, illegal immigration, corporate corruption, World War Three escalations, and the chronic disease epidemic?

    Are you willing to elect someone who was the least popular vice president in modern history and offers no policy or vision for America, simply because your brain keeps telling you, “Anyone but Trump.”

    If so, you might be struggling from TDS. "

    Advert continues...

    "Introducing Independence. Independence allows you the freedom to finally think independently once again. instead of believing everything you hear from the mainstream media, independence allows for constructive critical thinking.

    “I used to hear people on the news say things like, ‘Donald Trump and the movement he has encouraged are a threat to democracy.’ And I instantly believed it! With independence, I now realize the media are run by the Democrat elite, who are a corrupt oligarchy who censor free speech, silence political opponents, support forever wars, and abandon democracy by anointing its candidates.”

    Independence may not be for everyone.  If you enjoy being lied to about your president’s cognitive abilities, support Orwellian totalitarianism, or are excited about communist fiscal policy, Independence may not be right for you.

    Common side effects of Independence may include an awakening of rational thought, successfully identifying propaganda, freedom of choice, loss of hatred, anti-narcissistic behavior, and love of democracy.

    “I used to blindly hate whoever my party was running against. I didn’t care about facts or policy, because I was hopelessly indoctrinated. With Independence, I’m much more interested in policies that uphold democracy and I truly care about the health of our country and its citizens.”

    Ask your doctor if Independence is right for you! And enjoy your freedoms once again. "

    Bring on Independence of Thought.  Please folks get out of the Informational Silo of Lefty propaganda.
    If you watch CNN and MSNBC you may have a hard time admitting that they are damaging your ability to think for yourself.  Go find an independent or conservative or a libertarian to talk to.  That is if you have not banned all of them from your life already.

    Have a laugh and watch on YouTube:
    or on Rumble see:



    Nicole Shanahan is finally finding out what the movement is really like.  Getting a fresh view from outside the information silo she was in.

    Links to share...

    Or on:

    Or on:

    I shared this originally on the F Book group #BandwagonForGood

    Tuesday, August 13, 2024

    My Marlin Fish Report - 8-12-2024 Catalina Island


    Fish Report – Tuna Trip aboard the See Ya,  August 9,10,11,12.

    Big Game trip shifted from Tuna to Marlin


    The Catch:

    Striped Marlin, on Monday Aug 12th 2024

    1/2 inch short of 8-feet fork length. 95 ½ inches.

    28 minutes of fight.

    Weight 123 #

    On 50# monofilament line.


    Fishing aboard the See Ya with Capt Carl Lambert, we were on a mission to find Big Tuna.

    We flew the Kite with Flying fish.  We ran Mad Macks at long distances etc.  No Joy. Despite seeing puddles and even active "leaping tuna" we did not get a taker for any of the flying fish.  One good strike that missed.   A good portion of boats were up in the same zone.  Farther out than we normally go.

    End of day three...


    On the second morning we had very good luck catching fresh flying fish and stocked Carl's flying fish tubes with 22 fish and more in the bait tank.  The tubes did a very good job of keeping them alive until time to re-bait the kite.

    Early flying fish netting done in the dark... 3 am

     We worked it and put out plenty of fresh baits

    After 3 days on the Tuna grounds, for zero fish, we learned about a batch of marlin had made it up nearby and were in front of Catalina Island.  On our last day, we went to work the area on the way back to MDR.  The first marlin spotted in the lures did strike but it didn't stay hooked.  It sure did tease Carl on his set up.

    Several boats were hooked up and/or had released marlin in the area.  So the game was on.


    We spotted the 2nd marlin up on the surface, in the lures, after some strategic maneuvering.  It was looking at my port outrigger lure.  The fish moved off.  Our deck hand, Camron, saw it eyeing the starboard short corner.  Then it came back to the port outrigger and slammed it good.  Snapped it out of the outrigger clip and I moved to man the rod.  Took the Penn International 30 two speed reel up to full strike setting and put pressure on it to firmly set the hook.  The marlin had broad shoulders and was strong.  It ran hard.  The first big run took me all the way to the knot.  Finally,* the boat went to reverse, and I got 6 turns on the spool and the battle went on.  I had to grind hard in low gear when it was down deep.

    (* The other lures were retrieved and stowed so we could maneuver.  It was a terrible thing to look at the end knot and know any second this line will part.  Only seemed like a long time.  Luckily it didn’t break.)


    Several runs later it showed itself and danced a little bit on the surface.  When a marlin is up and thrashing about this is a dangerous part of the fight where they often throw the hook and get away.


    Over the next 20 minutes of battle the discussions went round on release vs take.  Marlin lovers’ are long on release and rare on take.  Especially when they are members of the illustrious Tuna Club of Avalon.  3 of the anglers aboard are Tuna Club men.  For me...  MDRAnglers and I have released our fair share of Marlin.  I elected to keep or take this fish.  It seemed to me a good time to get a full weight on it to earn First Marlin and Largest Marlin and earn Carl, on his new boat, the First Marlin Flag.  After all, it seemed hurt from this brutal battle.

    It was tricky boat maneuvering for Carl, for an agonizing few minutes as the fish was doing its best to not come up.  We shifted to starboard and back to port many times.  It successfully ran short bursts away from us several times.  We were up to the leader at times and had the “double” to the rod but it pulled away again and again.

    Gaffer, Steve Morse, landed a perfect hump placement near to the head.  Using a very sharp reversed barbed gaff he sliced through the toughest parts of the fish right behind the head.  Leader man Camron got a gaff onto the tail.  Now the fish is fully under control.  I could put down the rod with just a little Slack and a medium drag to help lift the fish.  I grabbed the bill and we hoisted it aboard the boat. 


    Capt Carl reminded us of the location of the bat. (Also called the priest)  I personally put the marlin to sleep with a few taps on the head.  We got the transom door open and maneuvered the beautiful billfish aboard.  It took most of the depth of the cockpit deck.  It lit up with exquisite purple stripes.  The purple stripes on its sides and the top fin colors were electric and beautiful.  The hook set was in the lip and in the small soft gap between hard bony parts.  We iced it and put it under wet towels for the ride home to Del Rey Yacht Club.

    And the photos say the rest.


    Success.  Found the Fish.  The Fish bit.  It stayed hooked.  The team executed.  The big game fish was landed.  All of those parts are hard individually and for all of them had to come together and work together. It is hard and a super fun achievement in fishing.  The bill and mouth of a marlin is boney, and it is really good when the hook sticks.  The tenacity at the boatside takes toughness of the angler and the patience of the team punctuated by fast action at the point of landing the fish. An exhilarating thing.


    28 minutes of hard fight.  At the beginning I was sure it was going to spool me.  It almost did.  I was down to just the knot for far too long.  Looking at a really good knot at the end of that spool!  When I re-spool I’ll be thinking about this and tie a good knot.  Boy, I got lucky with this one.  We saw that it had Big shoulders and knew we were in for a hard fight.


    Just ½ inch short of full 8 feet in length at the fork.  Weight of 123# on the new DRYC certified scale.

    Tight Lines,

    Keith Lambert    -<”><


    The Crew…

    Capt.                 Carl Lambert

    Anglers             Steve Morse, Keith Lambert, Daniel Rubin

    Deckhand          Cameron


    On the catch Steve Morse is the Gaffer, Cameron was the leader-man,  Keith Lambert the Angler.