Update for the family and friends who track our outings...
We had a nice Memorial Day Trip out to Catalina. It was waylaid by bad weather and we delayed the beginning a hole day to allow the water and weather to calm down. This was a very good thing. As there were several boats that got part way and turned back after fighting a headwind and rough seas for hour or two and seeing much more before them.
Family and vacation trips need to be "fair weather' events to be worth it. A few nasty and seasick crossings will take the joy out of it. By the time we did go we had a nice crossing. With only a few gray clouds. As we neared the island the sad event of the helicopter crash at two harbors took place. We were about 10 miles from the west end when there was a radio call from another boater to Coast Guard to report the helicopter down. Odd part was that the Coast Guard could not get hold of the fact that the event was on shore and then tell the lady to stop broadcasting. So finally got the lady to use her cell phone to call in and clear up the communications problem.

Would have been much better if she had called on Channel 9 to Harbor Patrol. But they were already Johny on the Spot with the local volunteer firemen and the sheriff. Thankfully a retired airline stewardess was close by and ran to the scene and helped to pull the survivors out and away from the fire. Tragic loss of life. Well covered in the news I hear. Three killed on impact. 3 survived and med-evac'ed out before we made it to Cat Harbor.
The Weather got better and better as the weekend progressed. We played ball on the dirt field and goofed around the boat on the Kayak and with the new Dinghy. Ryan was out with the older boys and the high speed toys. Thomas and his guest Hunter did all the fun kid stuff. Swim, play, play baseball, skip stones, eat candy and sodas. Good Stuff.

Mom and Dad did a good job of having a nice time. While Trisha went for a mountain bike ride I did manage to get out and fish a little. Thanks to Uncle Carl giving me a bucket of bait I was able to get us hooked up to a very lovely 22 inch Calico Bass. Fish Wish Granted.
And latter that night we all went over to the Reef for some dancing under the stars. Hoot! Really fun. Thomas (11) was braggin' to Hunter that he danced with an 18 year old. Memories of Catalina are like that.
The ride home seemed to have the best seas of all my crossings. So I ran at a nice speed of 16 to 17 knots. That reduced the rock and roll a little for Trish as we were faster than the corner swells that push up on the stern and give the boat an annoying off centerline push. Trisha does not like the roll when it gets to be that big.
But all and all a very nice Family vacation.
Keith <"><