We cleaned up the boat. Moved it to Burton chase park. Invited friends to come down and enjoy the concert in the park and have a little Pot Luck thing on the boat. Wow. Fun. What a success.
It was just a little hectic to get the spot. At noon I got the last spot. On the inside near the pump-out. (Special Thank You to the park department staff for letting us stay there.)
We had some views of the Melissa Manchester concert and stage from the bridge deck. And even though we had cool spots for chairs and blankets on the hill... Many stayed on the boat for the fun food and conversation. I can not believe how many folks were on the boat!
It was so much fun. Looking forward to another inside MDR adventure.
Photo is Trish and I. Trish on the helm. She is a good boat pilot for around the harbor and on voyages but still she wants me to do the docking.
Happy fun times. <">< Fish wish granted.
Thanks to Caroleen, Jeff, Lucy, Reinhold, Richie and others fro all the food and fun.