Thursday, March 31, 2005
Kenpo and the Kid
I personally like the pace and good sweat of the noon classes. But try to make Weds evening now that I have my own fighting gear for sparing.
Thomas on Wednesday was a little timid in the sparing I saw. Ryan on the other hand was ferocious. He came home after class and was lit up with a new light from within. “I beat him” was the most important words at dinner. He regaled us with stories of how two boys who are more Sr. to him have often made him nervous and frightened were tagged by his new moves. He was so quick off the line and powerful that he got strong tags and awarded the points needed to be a winner. Event soem after class complements from the same kids. Very good feelings.
Key item… During the spring break Ryan talked his way out of some Jr. classes. So Dad made him promise to attend the noon classes I go to to replace the ones he missed. At those adult classes they taught us some new moves and advanced skip kicks that the Jrs. may not know. It was this new Skip Kick that was Ryan’s secret weapon of choice on Wednesday March 30th 2005.
I’m very proud of him. He is eager to spar in the next competition in two weeks.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Road Trip for Easter 2005
We went to Carmel and visited dear friends and just acted like tourists.
I did a webshots photo page for the Easter Trip just with the photos I have so far.
Three Nights and over 6 hundred miles. Ouch that is hard on the kids and nurves after a while in the car. Returning into LA with the other masses was a little stressful. It is monday night and I am still wipped.
But the kids got to spend some quality time doing quality stuff. Made new friends and had a blast.
Pacific Grove Beach and rockhopping was very cool. Hopfully there is a photo that comes out when the film is developed.
More details soon.
Tonight Ryan and I did some Peeps research at
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Three men in a Car can get along
But after giving the boys some of what they wanted to do… (It being Spring Break.) They both cooperated to pack an overnight bag and go visit Grandma and Grandpa for the day. My Mom (aka Grandma) really likes Easter and having the family around. We are doing a Road Trip out of town on that weekend. So this was our and her only opportunity to visit for the whole spring Break. Wow! The Kids behaved!
They played well together and had a ball. I let them be boys and have a little longer leash than their Mom would have. And it paid off. Tug and poke and sink (in the pool) etc. While I got to catch up with family conversation.
I swam a little with them and older boy wanted me to play “Tickle Shark”. A game I used to play with him years before. It was a way to reconnect with a happy time. I get to swim and chase the boys. A very healthy form of roughhouse that leads to healthy male touching and poking and tickle and testing of strength and agility. That is what a strong Pre-Teen boy wants. He wants to test your and his ability. He wants Fun and Action.
Thomas got into it some. He spent a lot more time on the wall for safety etc. But he and Ryan have a new trick. They cooperate and Thomas stands on Ryan’s shoulders until the count of 60 seconds before taking a jump/fall. Ryan works to keep him balanced and to be out into water nose deep. Fun to watch. They have fun doing it too.
Then after swimming and a change and a shower they were cooperative and mannerly for dinner at the formal dinner table! Wow. They can do it. Ryan helped and participated in conversation and helped clean up afterwards. Very well behaved.
What a change from the usual teasing of his brother at home. Not a word of backtalk for anyone. (unlike the many times when the family has casual kitchen dinners at home.
After dinner we all played a domino game of Mexican Train. 5 of us working together and helping and politely taking turns. Thomas is good at this game. So the game is fair regardless of age. If you’re ever at our house Please ask to play.
Then I found out what prompted the nice manners from Ryan. He wanted to return home and not stay the night. The Ruse was so that he would be in good graces to get a special request. All so that he could have more play time with his pals at home the next morning.
We then made the long drive back in the pouring rain. Seeing swamped roads and stalled cars often. The long drive late at night was just within my tolerance.
Therefore the “three men in a tub” analogy. We were afloat often on the late drive home.
Thomas napped in the back seat and Ryan and I got in a good “Father – Son” conversation when he talked about his prized possession of VIP cards to the Spearmint Rhino that offers 1 free lap dance. He does not want Mom to find them in his wallet. So he wants to sell it to me. For cold hard Cash!
I don’t want Trish to find them in my possession now that I think about it. I don’t go waste money on that stuff. Need the $ for fishing expenses.
Monday, March 21, 2005
Agony and ecstasy on a Sunday
Boy, does that come to a head in our sons. Wildly in the case of 12 year old when we have to deal with hormone fluctuations. Agonizingly tearful in the case of the young son wanting to force his will.
This Sunday was a good example.
1. Going to Church on Palm Sunday. The Pre Teen son wants to go in baggy shorts and a black t-shirt. NOT. That was hard for us to work out. (Turned eventually to better options regarding new clothes for him. And shopping with him over spring break.)
2. Going to opening day ceremonies at DRYC. Where young son proceeded to have a melt down because he was not going to get to play with friends and this is to boring and he was not going to cooperate. This later boiled over into altercation between sons that landed Wife's meal onto her lap.
3. Altercation upset Wife and caused major heart ache and bluster of parent vs child. So Ryan is sent to his room to chill and Thomas goes off to his baseball game. With Mom leaving this beleaguered Dad to hold the fort with an upset pre-teen.
Even Dad caught some of the angry outbursts.
In the bigger picture we did do the outings I wanted. Church, Club, Baseball. This should have been a gloriously successful day. But the overcast of the interactions with Wife and Ryan and Thomas. In the end left a bad aftertaste.
Therefore the Agony.
The good points I will say are there also... Inner strength from my prayers and fabulous music at St Matthews Church. Time spent visiting with friends after church and at the DRYC just before and just after the formal speeches. And to top it off Getting to finally get to the ball park and watch second half of the game. (Ryan finally started to cooperate.)
Boy how I love to cheer for the boys. How fulfilling it is to sit in the stands and have the blue sky with green fields juxtaposed with the fun of the anticipation on each pitch. ( I took a few photos )
Therefore the ecstasy!
I have updated the Farm Dodgers web pages. Even got the team a sponsor.
It now looks good and has enough photos where it is not just about my son Thomas.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Supporting the team with a web site full of photos
I worked a few hours on the web page for the baseball team my son is on. Got them a sponsor. Organized the photos into pages for the different games and opening day.
Then sent a email out to the parents that asked for more photos.
In response I got a Flame email telling me to get a life.
I got a life. I'm a doting father to two sons. I am a fisherman. I am into residential real estate and busy with my home and legal wrangling over a lot line and practice Kenpo. Go to church and try to be the best husband I can be. This person does not know me. Nor does he want to. He just wants to tell me what???
He obviously looked at the web page. He took the time to write the email. But to what end does it help him to send me a flame email and call me names. It makes him feel better to take me down a notch maybe? It did make me spend more brain time on the issue.
I was asked what this Blog does for me by my brother-in-law.
My father made comments from the other end of the spectrum. That he wished he had a way to do the same thing for his feelings of fatherhood that he could share with his son's years later. I did Indian Guides with him in 1967. He still reminds me of "Pals Forever".
Back to Baseball
Well I want to give the kids of the Farm Dodgers a place to see photos of themselves. I want to contribute to the parents a little of what I can do... Web pages.
It really does no good to take photos if you do not display them. So some parents and grand parents may see the happy faces of the boys and get to share in the joys of baseball. Maybe some of the boys will find the photos in a year or to and be happily reminded of a good time. Hopefully some parents will download to their PC's shots that have their kids in it.
That makes it worth it.

Just ask Thomas.Or his Grandpa in VA.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Win some – don’t win some
Well it was not a winner day in the mandatory court mediation in the legal case between my neighbor over the fence and lot line issues. Wore out a day and made a mess of my head. He won’t have my driveway gate touch his fence. No options. Maybe just have to let a judge hear the case.
But on the Dad side it was much better... I sat in the big bed with my two sons and the three of us just had some very cool guy time. We watched Junk Yard Wars as they built mud buggies and raced them.
So as a Dad, it was a winner of a day after all.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Pulled it off... A rather good day in the life of a Dad
OK like no-one may really care. But today was a good day. Really.
I Did good as a Dad today. Fixed Plumbing under the Kitchen Sink. Took Thomas to Cub Scouts. Took Thomas to Baseball Game and rooted for him vigorously as he made plays and got hits and scored a run. (His team Won in a come from behind bottom of the 6th rally!)
Had a Teacher conference with Thomas' 2nd grade teacher and learned about his strong points in math and critical thinking and comprehension. Although he may need to bring it up a notch or two in writing.
Did Kenpo myself today at noon and had all the boys uniforms and Gi's ready early in the day.
Thomas had a lot of good things to say about how his team felt good and was really happy to have won the game.
I sat back and let the den leaders do their thing with as little help and interference as possible so that the boys and the den leaders got to work it out on their program and craft. It was the egg drop contraption. Den leader picked a very unlikely design but it worked at the test. Ha!
Nice Day. A very nice day in the life of a proud Dad.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Fathering boys - Getting Ryan to care about Shirts
It is one of the few places where the frank discussion of spanking is aired. It gave me a little more to go on as to keeping the lid on a very rambunctious 12 year old.
Tonight I had a talk with him and told him about some of his behaviors that were not good. Specifically the name calling and rude vulgarity that happened between him and other little kids in the baseball scoring booth at he ball field on Sunday. The little girl that got called a very rude name came out to complain. Later that same little girl gave me some feedback on Monday while pointing out Ryan as the instigator. (We were at the Kenpo dojo)
Tonight I gave him a +'s and -'s chart of actions that he has been doing and not doing. (verbal behavior modifiers re: chores etc.) Even some hard lectures about laundry and stuff. It seemed to make a difference. He did go to the store with his Mom to get a few shirts so he can have some "acceptable" clothes to wear.
Boy that should help at the early AM rush to get out the door on time for the Carpool to school. The past few weeks it has been a lot of only one or two items will do. IE Stupid fashion demands.
Then late this evening he sat in my lap and let me tickle and nooogy him as he told me a few tails of the rough and tumble ways of boys in middle school. Ryan is doing OK at holding his own. Possibly a little to rough for others. But he is OK. Shoulder punching...
Back when we/I had a hand slap game that was stinging. Did it at home with the older Brother at time. Youch!
Middle School is a proving ground and a place where some possible lifelong friendships can be formed. I am praying that his associates are good ones. It seems possible that the mix is not as bad as I had feared for a LA school. Ryan mixes with older and upper grade clicks with ease. That is Very good. I am a little worried that he may not have a lot of 6th grader friends when he and those kids are upper class piers in 8th grade. But that is not to big a deal.
Ryan is into Risk, Grand Torismo on PS2 and Mercenary on PS2. But that does not keep him from playing basketball with the neighbor kids and riding his bike to the ball park on the top of the hill to pretend he is riding off road.
All of his new shirts are sporting the latest designs from FOX that has the moniker for a BMX dirt bike type action brand. (Not cheap) But kool looks. An assortment and a set that will get him though the week and... I Hope... Will change him into taking some interest in the care and stocking of clothes into his dresser for several days worth.
I.E. Not just "What am I gonna wear today?!?!" at 7:26 am when the carpool honk is due out front at 7:30 something. All to often followed by Mom and Dad yelling at him not to be so picky about his socks or pants or shirts. Yeesh.
I'll be watching to see if it gets much better in the morning rush.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
A day in the Ball Park
Sunday at the
He got some great compliments from other parents sitting near me as to his form and style while playing Catcher. Up on his feet in a good squat and with his free hand wrapped back around his back. Great look. Now to get faster to move to the ball.
I’m so proud of him.
Makes working the shift in the snack bar not so bad. I was a short order fry cook from 11 am to 3 pm. “Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger!” and “Order Up!” was the new lexicon for the day. Got out in time for the 4pm ball game of Thomas’s Dodgers.
Fish wish granted
We went ... By the time we hit a Subway and got fuel we left the dock at the early hour of 11 am. Dooh. No big deal. It was a kids day on the water.
Talked to the guy at the bait dock while getting fuel. Learned the interesting fact that the Buda Monks like to pay the bait guy to let the fish go. He makes more money doing that than he makes selling fish to the fishermen. That and that his boat insurance is very expensive because when you flood your boat with 21 tons of water the insurance companies have good reason to wonder if it is going to stay afloat.
I did my best to try to go easy on the water. Doing the best I can to let the kids have their way. I still got a bit grouchy in my voice on a few items. Not the best but... I'm working on it.
We all sank some live baits near the Star of Scotland in
Then we tried a little bit of trolling. Giving the boys a chance to practice the steering of the boat. Ryan is now willing to Turn the engines on. Thomas still over-steers the boat but well on the way to learn good boatmanship.
We heard on the radio the sound of fish being cought a few miles south from a few fellow MDRA members and decided to give up on the trolling. Reeled them up and Lit out for the area just south of L A X Airport. A place called the Pipe. The boys feeling like a new experience would be good wanted to get into the bow cabin. ( A rather small cuddy on my boat. ) I let them ride there. You gatta say yes sometimes.
On the ride south it was right into a big flotilla of sail boats for a little race. Mostly Laser size. I made a detour around them at 35 knots and then realized I could easily bear the lead boat. At full speed. Hoped the wake did not slow down the leader. As we neared the spot I spotted the others who had had some luck. While looking at the boats figuing out who was who... It went Thump! I turned to see some wood rolling in my wake.
Turned out the boys hurd it as well. I had then look below decks as I looked at the out-boards. No visible dammage. Whew!
We fished for a little more. Maybe 4 or 5 drifts. Surrounded by some boats owned by fellows we knew. At 3 pam we headed in. This time Ryan helped keep watch for debreis in the water and Thomas road in the seat next to me. We raced back in with no problems.
Ryan (12) did most of the driving down the main channel. It was not easy. We had one engine running. And lots of traffick in the way and behind wanting to pass. Ryan did a really handy job of it with me only gining him some coaching.
We met up with the Guys at the docks. Compaired notes. Bassically most did not catch anyting. A few guys did scratch out a halibut. Thats fishing.
The real good part. I went out on the water with my sons. There were no break downs. Blood. Or Tears. Mom even came down to the harbor and took the kids home early so they did not have to even help clean the boat. the trade off for me was I got a bit of pleasure and quiet puttering around the boat. Fix this. Clean that.
I know what I need to do to get ready for the Halibut Derby. the kids know a little better what is needed for the derby too.
Fishing trip Wish... Wish Granted. Successful day!
Friday, March 11, 2005
My first Blog and my first Fish Wish
I hope to go fishing tomorrow - Saturday - with my two sons. Not a big fishing trip. But a little check out of the boat and systems and the rods and reels we have and need to fix etc.
You see I'm a member of Marina Del Rey Anglers fishing club and the big event is just a few weeks away and both boys say they want to fish in the halibut derby! It is a big affair.
Lots more on that at the web sites that the fishing club has and maintains. This little blog is about how we boys get along and get to do fishing and maybe some baseball stories.
That is my Fish Wish for Today. Take my sons fishing for a few hours out on Santa Monica Bay.