Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.
Went to the Office Christmas party on Friday night. Cool. Smiles and lots of good food. Then on Saturday night a friend invited us to watch the Holiday Boat Parade from the back of his boat on the main channel in Marina Del Rey.
Double Wow. Two nights out with my wife in as many days. And we got to take Thomas and a friend to the water. The boats were nice. The fun was mostly in the going out. And reconnecting with everyone.
I liked the Pirate boat that had the good sound system and the Sail boat with the Hula Dancers was also very well done. But the trendy thing today is the Penguin and Happy Feet is the hit. The Cal Yacht Club Jrs did a swell job and I got lucky to snap this shot. I'm sure they won something.
My son Thomas did get wound up and had fun with the boats. The three young boys on the boat liked to yell at every Santa that went by that they wanted an MP3 and an XBox 360! There was the Santa on the Harbor Patrol boat the played with the Water Cannon and was teasing every now and then to Spray Us! Boy how the kids loved that. When the skipper of the boat realized what was happening (since I asked him how his bilge pumps were working and Asked if they were up to the challenge) he yelled for the kids to stop encouraging them! He he he. Nice Fun Stuff.

Fun food and a puppy dog kept the kids amped up and happy.
Thanks to our hosts... Captain Greg and Buddy(dog) of the Clicker.
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