Trish named him Winzer. She had large dogs back when she was young and knows all the right things to do. Training and stuff is going along.
He even goes boating with us. I put him in a life jacket when on the docks or in the boat. Mostly I want the handle for retrieving the big wet beast should he go in (again).
Many of you had seen the Xmas photo of us with the dog.

Here is Trish with Winzer at the Santa Monica Airport Dog Park. It is a fun and clean place full of happy poochies running and playing. He loves to fetch and does retrieve the balls. Sometimes he outruns the other dogs to steal the ball that their owners throw. He he he.
Photo from my Q phone so quality is not the best. Sorry.
I also took a Video and am trying to learn how to use YouTube. Post a Comment requesting a link if you want to see it.
Keith ^ ^
PS I now have a mascot for my computer consulting business. - I'll update my company photo.
1 comment:
I'm getting into a habit of walking over to the park to see the sunsets. Works well for an early walk while it is winter. Winzer loves the play time.
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