Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Really good avice in the LA Times today - Let it be

Nice article in the LA Times on page A 27
" How to Fix the Economy - Let it Be " by Jonah Goldberg.

Link to the story on LA Times site

I liked the part where the analogies to Lincoln's and FDR's presidencies are in today's paper. History can be useful. Not in the glaze of the wishful remembrances of just the whitewashed history headlines but when looked at under the glare of the light of real review of all the issues and results.

I think that if John Kennedy was not assassinated his presidency would not be remembered as "Camelot" and the beautiful time of splendor, that is the view via the gauze of wishful thinking, but more like any other mortal president remembered for his follies and his triumphs. Follies like the Bay of Pigs failure and the other peccadillos of the times.

And yet... My heart goes to Arlington National Cemetery as we prepare to place my fathers remains there come December. More on that later.

Good luck to Obama. May he learn to say NO to some of the "Do Gooders" who do not really need to meddle in the events that are unfolding around us today.

Just LET IT BE for a while.

IMHO Keith


Anonymous said...

When I read the LA Times article, I immediately thought of George W Bush – he is confident (perhaps arrogant) in his rhetoric and actions – he defied NATO and the Middle East and surged into Iraq in 2003. The primary difference between Bush and Obama is the way Obama instills confidence in his followers. Let’s face it; even before Bush’s publicly unpopular war against Hussein, he did not have nearly the same high expectations as Obama. I’m just grateful we didn’t go after other sketchy governments with WMD (Pakistan!). Let’s face it, someone like Hussein was probably so paranoid and watchful of his own power, could he really have given 2 sh_ts about al Qaida? Just like Muammar Ghaddafi, dude is not into the terrorist thing, just the riches of his oil. I would have LOVED to ask Pallin about Libya in the hopes she did not have a canned pre-prepared statement from her handlers.

The article seems to infer if you leave things alone they will fix themselves. Perhaps my blown head gasket will reattach itself to the intake manifold or the cancer in my arm will simply stop growing. It boils down to: does the government step in and try out experimentation to expedite the economic recovery or do we tough it out the next 2 years. Personally, I like quick fixes, but realize lessons are often forgotten when someone else solves your problems. I can do your homework for you, but what will we have all learned?

One thing is for certain, GM is to CDs as Toyota is to MP3s. GM did not adapt to changing trends, or rather they fell back into old bad habits. Oversized trucks suitable for commercial contractors yet driven by 18 year old teenagers, unions who walk all over corporate, executive bonuses larger than the budget of small nations, an excessive dealer network and a sick ethos of buying a new vehicle every 24 months. I’m not sure I like my taxes going to keep that sick puppy on a respirator.

Anonymous said...

Quote of the day today:

All the President is, is a glorified public relations man who spends his time flattering, kissing and kicking people to get them to do what they are supposed to do anyway.
- Harry S Truman

Seems to apply.