Wednesday, November 02, 2022

All the News or just How Much News? What is the Future of TV ?

 TV in this new age,

It's 2022 and things are changing.

I find that normal TV consumption is very different nowadays.  A news bit was sorta' eye opening to this very modern phenomena that has changed information consumption.

In a show I regularly watch the person was interviewing a top political person from a middle/southern American hemisphere country.  He was talking about how irrelevant the old main stream media really has become as of late.  And this really made his point.

His country the population was about 14 million.  The main most popular TV channel on the air reaches just about 1 million of them with their best nightly news.  That is NOT pay per view.  Just on air news.

1m viewers /14m population = 7.1% of the people reached and influenced.

Then in the next part of his interveiw he related that most old school MSM in the US of A are so far behind the curve that they don't realize how little influence they actually have.  And that CNN with it's most popular nightly news reaches just about 500,000 views now it is HALF the views of thier news show in their tiny numbers of people compared to USA.

Wow so I just gotta review that number.

The USA is (as of 11/2/2022 Pop.Clock) at ~ 333,267,000 people

CNN on it's most popular hour reaches only 500,000 people. Answer is 0.15 %.
yeah that is 0.00150029855 on my calculator.

So CNN is not an influence on our population.  It's die hard efforts to prop up the hard left and focus attention on its hate of all things conservative and moderate is not a winning strategy for that business. 

His conclusion stuck a cord with me.  That his south American news channel reached twice as many people as CNN does today.

Lets think on that a moment.

Like the VHS vs Betamax battle for market acceptance as the best home movie tape. Betamax lost and VHS became the standard for recording and playing movies. Now both types of tape are outdated. The war was made moot by the changing marketplace.  ( BTW look up how Blockbuster lost the chance to own Netflix )

Another good example is how AOL died and went away.  Some still use it for Email.  But it used to be so bold that it actually tried to Be The Internet to all it's users and was Buying Up other Businesses.  They were a powerhouse company.  Now they are not even a Media company in the Top 25 let alone the top 50. Check this out...

Remember My Space?

That was still popular even as AOL was dropping off.  My-Space is trying to stick around being a specialty niche player to serve music people.  And that bought them some time.  But it was a last gasp.

Even music people have given up on it for Spotify.

But What About News and TV show production and consumption by the general population?

People that are not on the PC or a Laptop daily do watch some stuff.  That is the Legacy media consumer. But those that are the Future of the video audience are moving on.  

For example if you want Science and Space news you now, you FALLOW that person that gives you the input you like and relate to the best.  This is really an interesting and somehow Libertarian type of change that is really interesting.  The Best will rise and thrive. The rest will wither and dies.

My example of Science and Space news is specific and here is the Answer to that.  I watch and support this unique channel.  Put on by Mr. Chris Dobbs.  He calls it Everyday Astronaut.

He is at My level of instruction. He is at My level of interest.  And I think that comparing the different rocket engines is really a fun thing to learn about. But here is the Coolest part... he has a video that has 6 million views. The one I liked on the Space X Raptor engine comparison is at 4.9 million views.  So I'm not the only one that thinks this is cool and interesting TV ! 

Do I call it TV or a TV replacement?

The Audience is now in charge.  WE are not a captive audience. AND the old MSM from Newsweek magazine to LA Times to NBC/ABC/CNN are about to go the way of AOL.  Become a bit of our history of the way Things Used to Be.  

Even Facebook at this point seems to now see it's own sunset.  YouTube is the biggest of Online service for watching content now has a real alternative in Rumble. 

Thank you for reading this far.  

My crystal ball is fussy on where the future leads but It will not include the worst of the worst MSM of old.  The myopic old school stuff is going to end up on the Dust Bin of History.  Self inflicted for some.  Times changed and the Viewers moved on.

Especially as the users are not happy to be... Lied to.  Only given slanted story lines.  AND after all the censoring of stuff that we should have been able to see, they blatantly Lied to us by Omission.  The viewers are moving on.

Where will the future eyeballs go to to get their content?  The Winners will be decided by the Open Market on the Free Internet of Ideas and good and better content will raise to the top.

Good luck to us all in finding it.  Please tell me in Comments what News source you like to use going forward.

My mental musing for today.

Keith L   <"><

Free Thought will see through the Lies. Eventually.

1 comment:

BigBadWolfe said...

Nice post Keith! Nice easy reading. I get most of my news from Tucker, Fox Nation and Twitter. Other sources include Rumble and YT.

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