Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Searching For A Needle of Truth In A Haystack of Lies! DisEnlightenment is rampant.

 Mind Drippings on 6/26/2024

Yes, the times are crazy.  I call it the "Age of Dis-Enlightenment" for all sorts of reasons.

The Democrats I grew up knowing would be rolling in their graves to see that their beloved party has been taken over by Crazy/Critical Theory/Communist/Marxist/Socialist types.  That is how bad it is today.  The silly actions that are criminal and just disgusting are so common and even videoed to show to all with no shame.  How dumb is that.  Terrorizing people who wear a political hat is wrong.  No matter if it were for the red or blue team.  It is wrong.  And the outgoing president setting up a "Resist" movement is also a super low moment in our political dementia.   Let’s not add Antifa and "Hands Up Don't Shoot" lies and hysteria to that mix.  Oops too late.  That is two presidential terms ago.

 More to the present...

Now it is really dis-enlightened to sit idly by and let millions of mass immigration flouting boarder jumpers invade, take public funds, and now vote.  We hear that 39 states are giving out voter registrations to the immigrant waves hopping our boarder with the help of UN agencies.


#AgeOfDisEnlightenment fits - It will likely be the term that they use to refer to this decade in 50 to 100 years.  Assuming we have schools in 100 years that teach history.

A teacher in the future will likely ignore this period if we lose it.  If we don't it will be a history chapter that is paired up with a reading of Lord of the Flies and 1984 to get a grip on the context.

My hope is it will simply be referred to as the time when Mars only had robots on it.  Go, Elon, Go.   But I digress. 


I call this the "Age of DisEnlightenment" we are suffering through.  Mostly because the mob in media is acting like Lap Dogs.  Like the "Take a Knee" movement.  Few are willing to question the logic.  Few were willing to look at the motives of the Jezebel woman who dripped poisonous thoughts into that football quarterback’s head.  She ruined his football career.  And in the process also ruined the sport for many.  Myself included.

And to be clear... Kaepernick's place in history is secure.  He showed the first of the crazy ill-logic. And is part of the definition of it.  He teed up the "Woke" sh!t at NFL games until he was kicked off the team and then doubled down with his Justice Warrior girlfriend.  Their version of "Justice" is the destruction of the western capitalist society in general.  Further pushed by the Green New Deal.  Further pushed by the "Vote Blue No Matter Who" propaganda.   <= Look at the quote


Examples of the super Liberals selling out locally…  Here in So Cal.  Even in Santa Monica.

The Democrats who were supposedly on the side of the Common Man are the ones now pushing for Up Zoning and giving mega Developers a free reign to build massive high rise buildings at a whim.  Maybe even tear out a vital artery of a local freeway to build a massive dense 15-minute City on what is the 90 Freeway currently.  Not to worry though, they will call it a Park.  Not a hellhole.


We are in an upside-down world for sure.  Can we talk our way out of it?

  Can we Vote Our Way Out of it?


I’m usually more hopeful.  Not so much at the moment.


If you ONLY hear one side of the Story.  Change the Channel.  AND I do not mean going from CNN to MSNBC as both of them are fully sold out to far lefty propaganda and are Informational Silos. 

Go over to X or Rumble.   As Googel and YouTub are fully editing your feed to be hard Left too.  And that news feed on your iPhon are really carefully slanted to the left leaning stories. 


 Will you find that small needle of Truth when they hide it under a Haystack of Lies?

        You have to Look.   You have to scroll past the first page (or two) of slanted results.

Good Luck. 

Good luck to us all.  I hope we all survive.

    Peace out.   KL



As a kid, we were given these books and told to look out for a world that dissolves into Chaos.  It has.

Lord of the Flies




I fear for our nation... Are we going to survive as a global power?

Click and read and think on that one...

1 comment:

Keith said...

For Reference I learned what a Democrat loyal Voter looked like and used to stand for under the tutelage of a loyal Democrat. My Uncle Joe Henderson. A teamster Truck Driver. A WWII veteran that drove a landing boat. He wore the scar of dropping hundreds of men on beaches and driving off knowing that many of them would be dead in hours. He had nightmare and sweats over this. But his faith in the Democrats being the party of the Common Man was solid.

This is a far cry from the types that write Green New Deal propaganda spinsters with the hopes of taking us down a Socialist and Marxist revolutionary path to eventually go full New World Order. How sad. The worst of it is the Blue No Matter Who types do not realize they are enabling their own destruction. Is it Eyes Wide Shut?

Or is it because they refuse to entertain the very idea that they have been Bamboozled.