Sunday, October 13, 2024

Movies and themes of Dystopian story lines. Would Bill Gates be a Villain?

 Brain drippings ...  Movies and themes of Dystopian story lines. What makes a Villain?

 Many movies have a main Villain to drive the story.

Just How Dystopian is that villain's plan?  Don’t those movies start with a uber rich big-headed (egomaniacal) villain of some type that thinks his random thought is more important than other peoples’ rights?  All the James Bond movies have such a villain.  The movie Kingsman does. I watched this one most recently.

Bill Gates has said repeatedly that he wants to have the world population to Go Down by 15% with his \/accinations etc. 


World Population ...  Call it 8.180 Billion and therefore 15%
is = 1 Billion, Two hundred Twenty Seven Million People.

 That is a Lot of Dead.  1,227,000,000 souls.   Lives.  Hopes.  Loves.  Smiles.  To be lost.   =>  8,179,987,??? +     as of today. 10/1/2024


Just for grounding.  And to put this in context.  How many have died from War and Communism?  To reach Bill Gates' total of around 1.2 billion deaths, we can include all these significant events in this timeline of significant events with mass deaths, along with their estimated death tolls:

·         An Lushan Rebellion (755-763): 13 to 36 million deaths.
  • ·         Black Death (1347-1351): 75 to 200 million deaths.
  • ·         Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864): 20 to 30 million deaths.
  • ·         World War One (1914-1918): 15 to 22 million deaths.
  • ·         1918 Influenza Pandemic: 20 to 40 million deaths.
  • ·         World War Two (1939-1945): 70 to 85 million deaths.
  • ·         Communism in Bolshevik Russia (1917-1953): 20 million deaths.
  • ·         Communism in Maoist China (1949-1976): 40 to 80 million deaths.
  • ·         Communism in Pol Pot’s Cambodia (1975-1979): 1.5 to 2 million deaths.
  • ·         The Great Chinese Famine (1959-1961): 15 to 45 million deaths.
  • ·         The Congo Free State (1885-1908): 10 million deaths.
  • ·         The Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815): 3.5 to 6 million deaths.
  • ·         The Korean War (1950-1953): 2.5 to 3 million deaths.
  • ·         The Vietnam War (1955-1975): 2 to 3 million deaths.
  •  Summing these estimates, we get to a rough total of approximately 1.2 billion deaths.


    To get to his goal in 15% less of all the people now currently alive, to be dead, we must add up ALL of those mass catastrophes together.  Wow.  Getting a grip on the 15% he is talking about.

    The WW2 numbers include the holocaust and dead on all sides (~85 Million).  And add to that... the combinations of as many Russians that the Bolshevik (~20+ Million) and the Chinese (~80 Million) communist revolutions killed.  Together these three events  make up just about 15% of Bill Gate’s dystopian death goal.


    IMHO War is Bad.  IMHO wanting people dead by the millions is really bad.  His goal of a Billion less souls on the plant is Dystopian Apocalyptic level bad.  Does he plan to automate enough to overcome the loss to society?  Can we keep modern functions going after that?  Power, Manufacturing, Air Travel, Shipping etc.?


    I want us all to survive and thrive.  And I think there is the ability to make enough food.

    We need to think positively about our species.  Bill doesn’t.

    And no, there is no hero like Get Smart, or 007, or a Kingsman to save us.  The CIA and the FBI and the NWO are all on the same side now supporting the “Kaos” we are in.

    Or is there a chance an average man can make changes that matter?  Could it be RFK Jr who is part of a solution by protecting us from unhealthy stuff that will kill off so many innocent people?

    Oh and to see Bill Gates on You Tube…  Find your speech of choice.  His level of influence is wild.  Who wrote that script?  What would that movie be called and would anyone believe it?
    Example…    On a simple search you can see lots of MSM articles and stories to “fact check” or quantify or downplay this reality.  The reality… Less People is the goal.  MSM is doing its best to say, no that’s not what he really meant.  So no he did not say he wants 3 billion to die.  He said he wants 10 to 15 % fewer people.  Therefore my math above.

    BTW with the current situation that we are close enough to living out is in the movie Children of Men. Review that movie story line.  Lack of children.  Governments in financial hardship.  Mass deportation of migrants that have overwhelmed the western nations.  Not a pretty story line.

    Hope the above got your mind to grapple with the reality of the goals of a major influencer.

    And why we all should really pay attention to the outsider wanting to Make American Healthy once again.  #MAHA is a great idea.  Look for and please listen to RFK Jr.

    Especially if you can find the full 48 minutes of his announcement to end his run for the White House.  Lots of interesting stuff tucked into that speech.

    Thanks for reading to here.

    That is my brain drippings for today.

    Keith  -<”><

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