Normally I take a few of my best buddies and even if the fishing sucks the fun company and drinking and jokes and just enjoying the day out on the water makes it all really worth it. I’ve even had some friends come down from as far away as Monterey and Salinas to be a part of this big tournament. It is a great big party to me.
Just look at to see the size of the event. Close to a thousand contestants. I do the web site for my fishing club at to publicize the club and this big event. I’m even a two time Halibut Derby Chairman in years gone by.
But Now
Now I am going to just take Ryan (12) and Thomas (7). Just us 3 Lambert boys. This may be the start of a many splendid thing. If we can do this and have fun. If we can catch some fish. If none of us get sick. And IF the young boys do not get to bored and impatient. Wow!
This can be a good start to a lot of family fishing and boating fun. This is my Fish Wish !
Send me a prayer of good luck and for patience for all three of us.
Look for my next post on Monday. After the Derby is over.
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