”Overall Winner of the Halibut Derby” is what they are calling him. There is a little difference on the trophy between what I think that they should give him and what they are making him share... But that does not change that he caught the best fish in the derby!
Dang good. Today he wanted to spend his winnings in a big way. We went to the bank and deposited the check. We went to a boating store (Regency Boats) and we priced used moters vs new. We looked at what they had.
Ryan got a call from my Dad while we were there. I'm sure he meant well but his save save save may not have sat well with a young pre teen that really wanted to taste the cake he just got presented with. That money was burning a hole in his pocket. And I was doing my best to be a wise shopper so he could use those skills later for buying a car etc. Ryan is of the age where a Car is a possible discussion topic. He has been diligently working to save even though we do not give him an allowance. So having money to spend is a real treat. But the phone call dropped his spirits some. He was quiet and sullen. He even sealed the envelope that he put the deposit into with the words "Don't open for fifty years" across the seam. Some prize when he can’t touch it. So I got an ice cream at the Fosters Freeze and we sat a little. Thomas did not understand why his older brother was not changing the soothing classical music. Ha. Ha. It was soothing.
Then another errand. Dropped in on George Balian a friend from the fishing club who was the weighmaster... He signed off on the weight slip. Ryan would not get out of the car. He was so sulky. George talked with me and Thomas for a while about the catch etc. Then when he heard that Ryan was looking for a dingy he offered one that he had sitting on the side of the house unused for a few bucks and transfer fees. Very cool.
That got Ryan out of the car. Not quite animated but back to life.
Tomorrow he may have some work to do checking it out and inflating it and searching for leaks etc. It is older but a nice big 9 foot 4 person slat board bottom dingy. Now he can use his money for an outboard. We saw a 1983 mercury that is 4.5 hp for just $400 while at Regency. Hmmm Ryan is putting that idea together.
Now that is a match. Maybe the next thing to do is to build a little dolly for it.
A cool little wood shop project for father and son to do together. Yeah. I Like That.
Go to the Marina Del Rey Anglers web pages to see Ryan's write up. He did well.
I made a few calls on Monday and this morning, Tuesday, to reporters and gave them his new cell phone number so the reporters could call for personal insights into the human interest story. He had a little surprise! Wow a reporter called him. Adds to the importance of the event. And the powerful memories of the momentous event. It is those great memories that are more important than a tip to Cabo. It is being on stage with 500+ people cheering.
Gotta Love It. Happy and Proud - Fishing Dad

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