Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Fish Wish for the family camping trip

My fish wish is for a happy and safe family trip.

Keeping it simple. Long drive up to Lake McClure and then some tent camping and boating with friends. Hoping the kids keep their cool and that Mom and Dad do the same.

I will spend my time with a cold Frosty while Trish goes out to Water Ski.

The boys are finished with the Sailing Camp in Marina Del Rey and next week start a new Adventure Camp. Boy they have it good.

Well back to work. Trish has been working extra hard to get the stuff ready for the trip. Bless her heart.

Keith -<"><

Thursday, July 06, 2006

4th of July in Cat Harbor was fun

Hang out with family on the mooring.

Eat often. Drink plenty. Play with kids. Let kids play and explore. Visit and just have a good time. We visited with Kenny and Jeffrey on our boat. Side tied to Unreal and Big Dog we got to know the Fines and the Godfreys.

Did try to do a little fishing. But the fish were not cooperating very much so I went back to playing and kayaking and swimming and Jet Ski and even a little Kite flying and baseball on shore.

Ryan had a good time with friends at the isthmus. Thomas made some new friends and played on that sail boat that had the two 9 year olds. Trish and I had much time to devote to our own ideas of fun. Trish rode her bike. Ryan and Thomas shared Ryan's Dinghy. (very nice)

In the end... Fireworks on the beach on the 3rd. Then return on the 4th to the fireworks at home. We were the best kind of tuckered out.

Fish Wish Granted. We had fun.

PS Special Thank you to Carl for letting us use his bigger boat for the weekend.