We worked the areas approx 40 nm from LaJolla. Thurs. spent a nice night in
Kids are having a nice weekend. Went to a new skate park with friends and are ready to blossom as skater kids. Getting some grins themselves. :-)
Time spent on the ocean is a wonder. You are passing over a vast wilderness that you can only sample a little taste at a time. What a salty good taste it is.
This is a personal blog about "Life" from the viewpoint of a fisherman who lives in the Marina Del Rey area of Los Angeles, California.
Yep got the hand made card from the son still in elementary school. Tender moment. Thank you Thomas. Thomas now wants to be called “Tom”
Mom made a nice breakfast and I got the day “off” of sorts. Did very little for a special day. Maybe it was special to not do much. Read the paper. Did a bike ride with Trish and Tom. To the local little store/market.
Did make a little progress on the repair of Ryan’s boat.
If only I had the props. back on the boat I woulda’ done some boating…
(they are off to the shop for service)
Soon I’ll be back to fishing. But for Father’s Day it was lounge around the house.

Pacific Grove Beach and rockhopping was very cool. Hopfully there is a photo that comes out when the film is developed.
More details soon.
Tonight Ryan and I did some Peeps research at http://www.peepresearch.org

Just ask Thomas.Well it was not a winner day in the mandatory court mediation in the legal case between my neighbor over the fence and lot line issues. Wore out a day and made a mess of my head. He won’t have my driveway gate touch his fence. No options. Maybe just have to let a judge hear the case.
But on the Dad side it was much better... I sat in the big bed with my two sons and the three of us just had some very cool guy time. We watched Junk Yard Wars as they built mud buggies and raced them.
So as a Dad, it was a winner of a day after all.
Sunday at the
He got some great compliments from other parents sitting near me as to his form and style while playing Catcher. Up on his feet in a good squat and with his free hand wrapped back around his back. Great look. Now to get faster to move to the ball.
I’m so proud of him.
Makes working the shift in the snack bar not so bad. I was a short order fry cook from 11 am to 3 pm. “Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger!” and “Order Up!” was the new lexicon for the day. Got out in time for the 4pm ball game of Thomas’s Dodgers.
We went ... By the time we hit a Subway and got fuel we left the dock at the early hour of 11 am. Dooh. No big deal. It was a kids day on the water.
Talked to the guy at the bait dock while getting fuel. Learned the interesting fact that the Buda Monks like to pay the bait guy to let the fish go. He makes more money doing that than he makes selling fish to the fishermen. That and that his boat insurance is very expensive because when you flood your boat with 21 tons of water the insurance companies have good reason to wonder if it is going to stay afloat.
I did my best to try to go easy on the water. Doing the best I can to let the kids have their way. I still got a bit grouchy in my voice on a few items. Not the best but... I'm working on it.
We all sank some live baits near the Star of Scotland in
Then we tried a little bit of trolling. Giving the boys a chance to practice the steering of the boat. Ryan is now willing to Turn the engines on. Thomas still over-steers the boat but well on the way to learn good boatmanship.
We heard on the radio the sound of fish being cought a few miles south from a few fellow MDRA members and decided to give up on the trolling. Reeled them up and Lit out for the area just south of L A X Airport. A place called the Pipe. The boys feeling like a new experience would be good wanted to get into the bow cabin. ( A rather small cuddy on my boat. ) I let them ride there. You gatta say yes sometimes.
On the ride south it was right into a big flotilla of sail boats for a little race. Mostly Laser size. I made a detour around them at 35 knots and then realized I could easily bear the lead boat. At full speed. Hoped the wake did not slow down the leader. As we neared the spot I spotted the others who had had some luck. While looking at the boats figuing out who was who... It went Thump! I turned to see some wood rolling in my wake.
Turned out the boys hurd it as well. I had then look below decks as I looked at the out-boards. No visible dammage. Whew!
We fished for a little more. Maybe 4 or 5 drifts. Surrounded by some boats owned by fellows we knew. At 3 pam we headed in. This time Ryan helped keep watch for debreis in the water and Thomas road in the seat next to me. We raced back in with no problems.
Ryan (12) did most of the driving down the main channel. It was not easy. We had one engine running. And lots of traffick in the way and behind wanting to pass. Ryan did a really handy job of it with me only gining him some coaching.
We met up with the Guys at the docks. Compaired notes. Bassically most did not catch anyting. A few guys did scratch out a halibut. Thats fishing.
The real good part. I went out on the water with my sons. There were no break downs. Blood. Or Tears. Mom even came down to the harbor and took the kids home early so they did not have to even help clean the boat. the trade off for me was I got a bit of pleasure and quiet puttering around the boat. Fix this. Clean that.
I know what I need to do to get ready for the Halibut Derby. the kids know a little better what is needed for the derby too.
Fishing trip Wish... Wish Granted. Successful day!