Friday, June 23, 2006

Last day of School for the Kids

Thomas and I did a little fishing trip on the ocean on Thursday evening. With the club and there was a bunch of us. Nearly 40 of us on the Marina Del Rey sportboat the New Del Mar. Had a good evening catching sand bass and calico bass. Nice. It was also Thomas' last day of school. He brought a school friend along. The friend, Chris, did very well landing 4 fish. Better than Thomas and I combined.

No longer a 3rd grader. T Man is going into 4th grade.

Ryan will be a 8th grader next year. He bailed out of the fishing trip and I had worked to position the trip for him and a friend of his, Adam. Adam was all set to go. Ryan and Adam are going to be paired in the FJ’s for sailing this season. Just a few days away. So the excuse for Ryan to make trouble to be excused from going fishing was that he went to the skate place down in Venice where there was an entertainment event going on. He and Adam had a good time I think.

And the Fishing trip did not include a grumpy teen. So I was able to have fun with Thomas and Chris. Better for all involved. Mom had the house to herself and she liked that too.

Not bad for a Thursday. Better than many Friday nights.

BTW – Ryan had taken a fall recently and his hip is hurting him. He did not even skate on National skate day. (Wds) But he did elect to not go to school. Ha Ha Ha. Like that?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Time with my son

On Sat and Sunday I got to spend some quality time with Thomas.

Sat. we used the big tractor up at the NVLL field that was mowing it for parking on Sunday when the big end of the season picnic was held. Thomas did a good job helping me to drive. We spent a lot of time there.

afterwards we sat around home some and just had some good father son time in the garage. He set the train to run some. I just watched some. VERY good quality Dad time. Fathers Day came early I guess.

And Ryan has a new place to skate and I went and watched him for a little. Also good. He is talented and wants to get better. He dropped into a big half pipe when it was his turn and ran a few good moves but not the high flying stuff yet. Still a little ways to go to get the speed needed to do long grinds etc.

Nice to be there for him. He has a new passion for War-Hammer stuff. I have helped them make a playing field on a part of plywood that was the old tabletop skate ramp. A road and bridge over a river. A hill that Thomas and I made from paper with flower and water. Basic crafting. We even used basic water color paints. But it worked. They play the game on the board with the other kids on the street. Glad to help them have a good time.

Now back to work for me. The kids are ok. And school lets out for the summer soon.