Friday, August 05, 2011

Friday morning thoughts...

Lately I have had some big ups and downs.

Then this thought crossed my mind. "Savor small joys."

So I made this post of Facebook:
Small joys need to be savored. The hug form a child. A fresh razor blade to shave with. The first cooling sips of your 5 o'clock margarita. TGIF to all you FBook friends.
BTW, What small joys did you savor this week?

As I get to experience a nice little this and that. I must savor it. Find a way to savor the marrow of the every day experiences or I will drive myself crazy. This after finally putting on a fresh razor blade this morning?!?!?

I visited with some family last night. Reconnected with my sister. She is in town with her grandson Luke. I got a few hugs from him over the last couple of days. He is 4 years old. Not even in kindergarten yet. He loves cars. He and my 14 year old boy went to Lego Land on Tuesday. Thomas stuck with Luke and was a good cousin.

My sister and mom shared tales of how responsible and kind my big (high school freshman in 3 weeks) son was with the little 4 year old. Playing with Lego. Waiting in long lines with Luke. Not taking the time to ride any big kids rides at all. Preferring to hang out and make sure that Luke had a good time.

I'm proud of him. My son Thomas.

BTW I took him down to the docks last week (July 26th) and had him come with us as a Fishing Mentor with a bunch of kids form Mychals Learning Place. he worked with the special needs kids to help them experience a bit of fishing. Part of the MDRAnglers youth fishing program. It was cool that he helped. He did well. I did have to sneak it up on him. He would not have volunteered to do it as he does not enjoy fishing like I do. But he did say he was OK with it after the fact.

Thomas on the far right with the kids. It was a very good day of fishing and of catching.

But that leads to another story about the fishing.

The small joys. Time spent on the water.

Seeing your son blossom into a caring individual.


Fishing Dad is very happy about that.

Keith L.

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