Monday, November 05, 2012

Travesty of bad news. Poor Reporting that is.

IMHO this cartoon is relevant to our current political situation.  One station on the hard right. Multiple on the left.  Even my 19 year old son is in disbelief of the media. More likely to believe stories on misc. blogs than a newspaper. This modern phenom of the 24 hour news show is pandering.  AND the exposure of the CNN pandering to the White House on the scandal of the death of our ambassador and political representatives there is an extra travesty. Travesty is our loss in the faith in impartial news reporting.

Even NYC Mayor Giuliani calls them on it.

The CNN News Desk sold us bad reporting.  But this is the report that they file now…


Keith L said...

BTW more news on the topic is here:

Keith L said...

And on the Economic disaster of the EPA that Obama and his liberals have been perpetrating on us the American people.

Sample number one...