Monday, March 04, 2024

Who do you root for when watching these movies?


Remember when…


·         You watched "The Hunger Games" and sided with the resistance.


·         You watched "Star Wars" and sided with the resistance.


·         You watched "The Matrix" and sided with the resistance.


·         You watched "Divergent" and sided with the resistance.


·         You watched "V for Vendetta" and sided with the resistance.


When it's fiction you understand.  Yet you refuse to see it when it's the reality you're living in.




We, the average citizens, must resist the bureaucratic deep swampy state actors that over regulate via the 3-letter agencies and State Departments that are NOT Elected and are entrenched and deeply troubled.  And seem to be overly supporting a party that has lost it’s way.


If there is ignorance about a thing - Okay we can give more info.  But if there is an intentional refusal to see or hear anything that is not in total alignment with the official "Blue Team" strategy then that is the allegiance to the progressive leftist program.  Get information from outside the "information silo" that will lead our nation to a downfall.  Be a part of the #WalkAway resistance to another 4 years of Socialist experimentation with our nation.   Or do your own version of fiddling while the nation burns down.  Or find stuff that is NOT on the first page of the Google results.  That stuff is filtered. 


It feels like "Rome is Burning" while Biden fiddles and eats ice cream.  It is the evil of operatives in the white house.  Many are from Black Rock pushing the egalitarian agenda that is ruining business and the economy.  It is the downfall of the Green New Deal and destruction of farming and healthy foods under the premise of fighting Climate Change.  Climate change is a tilting at windmills fantasy.  Just as insane as the World is Flat debates.  CO2 is not a thing to be feared or fought against.  Plants need CO2.  It is a healthy thing in the air.  AND it is a tiny fraction of the % of healthy mix in the air around us.


A healthy diet should include eggs and butter and beef.  But the fake stuff that they make with cancer cells is to be trusted more?  Insanity.  The chemical and manufacturing process is not less industrial & power hungry.  It is far more energy absorbing and gives a very dubious result.


The other dubious silly thing is calling oil a "fossil fuel".  It is not made by fossilizing anything.  It is not related to past animal life or plant life.  It is a natural accruing resource at many different strata of the earth’s crust.  It is needed for our modern life to thrive.  It is needed for Diesel fuel.  For Farming. For Trucking.  For Shipping.  Your local market will be empty in short order without cheap Diesel fuel.


If you like to eat.  If you like to have toilet paperfor your bathroom.  If you want your home delivery.  Then you need cheap diesel fuel.


We must Vote our way out of this insanity where the "Blue Team" has shut and closed down the American energy supply.  We must vote out those that also enable the endless wars.  Please think for yourself and look for and discover just who are the Neocons in either party and vote them out.


Good hot news... SCOTUS decision today.  And a unanimous one.  ( Rare thing )


See this commentary from Tulsi Gabbard for a quick summary on that.



BTW I recommend joining "Locals"

And Follow Tulsi on She is Army and yet, is against a new useless war.


Locals is a nice First Step to try to get info outside of Facebook/Yahoo/Google/Apple News/MSN/CNN type MSM sources that are totally part of the above referenced Informational Silo.  And I wish I could recommend X/Twitter but it is so full of trolls right now that it looks like a wild west bar fight.  Anyone using Next Door and looking at your local crime you know that these Lefty Progressive District Attorneys are harming our society in the local most vulnerable way.  IMHO they DA is the Achilles Heal of our town and the Soros backed slush funds that are pumping money into those campaigns are so big and intending to do evil are almost unstoppable.  So… Learn and Look for the bit of information that is Outside your Informational Silo of the controlled media.


Will you support the War Mongers of the big bloated big central government?  A government that will not control its’ boarder but will prosecute a peaceful protester.  Or will you side with the resistance?  Do you prefer to just go along to prop up the Same-Old , Same-Old and ignore the conditions those policies create?

Do we dare root for the change?  Will you Walk Away?   Can we change and return to something more resembling the American way we used to think we were capable of?  And let’s try to do it a peaceful way, via a Vote.  Hopefully an honest vote and an honest tally.



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