Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Happy Fourth of July post - Speak Up. Call out the Anti American bull puckie.

 My Brain Drippings today...

I'm a proud American.  Also I'm a Libertarian and against War and also against an overly Powerful Central Government.


So... via Memes we must grab the idiots and spark enlightenment into some people.  Wake them up to thinking more about our lot in life.  Maybe not voting our way into the ground via a One World Government and societal self destruction. Meme away!  And question idiot posts and re-posts of propaganda.


Those "critical theory" idiots and their fallacy of logic twisted reality types are idiots must be replied to and shamed for their stupidity.

Stand Up and say so when it is twisted logic.

Therefore I started a group called... BandwagonForGood over on Facebook.


Where I hoped to call out the idiocy of silly destructive propaganda.

This is where I hoped others would join.  And support the cause.  That being saving our nation from self-destruction of idiot ideas going unchallenged.   


Hateful sentiments are often being allowed to fester.  Pushing back on the Antifa bull puckie etc.  It used to get you time outs on Facebook.  And other anti Chirstian efforts. I'd push back on that now and then.  Our nation is a nation of Law abiding good neighbors with a, by and large, Judaeo Christian faith based brotherhood.


A place for thinking people to share and encourage folks to call out Stinkin' Thinkin' when others post silly "Critical Theory" type stuff that can be shown to be against society and lawfulness.


Together we can fight back against the Age of Disenlightenment we are in.


That is why Elon Musk bought Twitter.  To fight back.  To allow us all to speak freely.


Good ideas will percolate to the top.  But Bad Ideas must be allowed to be questioned and shown to be the silly failures that they are.  To muzzle all decent and allow Critical Theory stupidity to go unquestioned is to allow the failure of our society.


The New World Order types want the destruction of the Western Nations and the Free Economies. It's a long game.   We cannot be Passive about it going forward.  We must have the freedom to question the fallacy of Logic often used to justify the Green New Deal stuff that is blatantly a tool to bring about Socialistic/Marxist plans.   Look up the UN Agenda 21 and now called 2030 plan.

Taking away your car.  Crushing the middle class.  Destroying the economy of average city streets.  Promoting a 15 minute City where you walk or ride a bike and are fully dependent on others is not a new hope it is a prison.

 15 Minute Cities are not going to be fun.

The USA's Socialist Party does not need to meet any more.  They have taken over the Democrat party.  And many Patriotic Democrats do not realize it.  Just like many republicans do not realize that the Bush dynasty sold us out to the New World Order too.  Yup there are too many Rino’s in Congress.

Political Carpet-baggers should be called out and challenged.  Not just the small minded minions re-sharing on social media.  Much of it planted propaganda.

They cheat.  They Lie to the public.  And the MSM is complicit.   Thank goodness for the Internet having some freedom still.  Take heed.  Speak up.   Your financial well being is in jeopardy.  High Inflation.  High Taxes.  Outrageous fuel costs.  Destruction of the spendable dollar in the hands of free people is the plan.  They want you desperate.  And therefore playable.  Don’t get played.

Inflation Bad.  High Fuel Costs is Bad too!

Do not Comply.  Do not take the next poison.  Do not take the Data Chip implant or wear a Bar Code tattoo to buy stuff.  You are not a walking Tap card.


All that said.   Protect your family.   Grow some food.  Learn about the economic impact of the wanton spending of the government and the overprinting of money.  Other nations have started to move away from a worldwide economy trading the US Dollar.   Not oil.  Not trade. So... How long until inflation wipes you and I out?


Can we vote our way out of this?  Hope So.   Please Vote Your Wallet.  Vote for peace and sanity.


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