Thursday, July 28, 2005

little boat - big boat Fly away

Big boat is in repair yard. No fish local anyway.

Ryan's little rubber boat is in the water and he has now taken some pals for a few boat rides. Very big of him... Had to rub him a little to get him to take care of Flush and Cleaning of the motor. He get's it now.

I got that new job I wanted. It takes a monster amount of my time. Will get a plane to NY and DC tomorrow for a week. I'm hoping to line up a boat ride for when I get back for a special weekend. Wolf Pack trip.

Take care. I hugged my boys extra good tonight before my trip. Told them I look forward to goin' out on a visit to Grandma's and a Baseball game in Ontario when we I get back.

At Kenpo they tell the boys they want them to try for the orange belt. Cool. They may get it on Sat. while I'm in DC.

Hope United gets a good pass this weekend. I'm off.

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