Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Little Boat Ride with Kids

Boat Ride to bonito land... Just 4 miles out of Marina Del Rey on Sunday with Ryan.

The boat did not feel like running today. I need to have a rather small prop. problem worked on.

So we went slow just like the old Betty O and just fast enough to Troll Tuna feathers in the right areas where the bonito had chased up bait. Fun ensued. Fast. Frequently. Ever 3 and 4 hookups at one time. Just very cool.

Two teen age boys and two dads. Lots of Sunshine. Lots of pretty blue water with little waves. What a great Day.

Did go try a few drifts for halibut near Topanga and Santa Monica Cyn. with no luck. But for a little excitement we hooked up a fish that fought hard and gave me a lot of fight. Not letting us get a look at it and working very hard to not come up. I was on very light line and a long wippy stick. It took a lot of patience to work it up to the side of the boat. It finally turned out to be a Guitarfish. aka a Shovel Nosed Shark. But what the hay... I got to show the buys how to fight a big fish successfully to the boat on ultra light line.

If that had been a Halibut!!! It would have been well over the 18# halibut that was holding the top spot on the leaderboard at the Bait Dock. And we had put in for the monthly Jackpot for the Day's fishing.

Next time.
Things are good.

(Meanwhile both props are going in for service and we will be back to full speed in 1 to 2 weeks.)

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