My brother got me!
From: Carl Lambert
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 4:21 PM
To: 'David Fine'
Subject: RE: Flag...
I just called Bruce at the Tuna Club to inform him that I caught the first Tuna this morning out of San Diego.
Just believable enough... There has been a lot of talk about First Marlin and First Tuna boat flags of late. His boat is docked in San Diego. He was missing this weekend. I got Had. Carl suckered me hook, line and sinker. Dang I must be taking this fishing thing way to serious! LOL
And… At the Halibut Derby sign up I also got had by Bob Kissling when he told me that the club has stopped buying the first fish flags as they are too expensive.
Doooh! Cheers to both of you. And hoping you all have a laugh.
Fish for brains, Keith <"><
PS – Looking forward to having a lot of fun in the Halibut Derby this weekend. Hope to see some of you out there on the bay this weekend. see MDRHaliutDerby
Fish Wish of the MV Ramblin’ is at least One Really Big Fish for team Ramblin'.
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