Wednesday, November 18, 2009

LA Times Letter to the Editor

My letter to the editor was published in the LA Times today page A 26, Letters, under "Not Enough Fish in the Sea". It is my reply on the MLPA news story describing the "Blue Ribbon" panel's recommendations being not strong enough for the enviros and too strong for the fishermen. So what do we infer from the reporters story... that it could have been worse?

My letter was edited far shorter than my original letter. But most of the point is still there. So I feel for the original writer of the LA Times story who did not have the space to fully describe the results.

I wanted details and results and Maps. None were offered. for my letter online. for the news story on Nov. 11th.

Hoping we do not get aced out of Point Dume in total. But fearing they are going to take it from us fishing and scuba divers. Will it be look but don't touch only from 2010 and thereafter for years to come?


Keith L said...

Can you believe it is the California Coastal Commission that is keeping fishermen from replanting halibut in the southern California waters when we need to help them due to lack of wetlands.

Maybe the LA Times can ask that hard question.

Anonymous said...

It is certainly interesting for me to read the article. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.