Tuesday, January 18, 2011

homework is tough on parents too

Wow.   Getting the kids to do the homework is not easy on us parents.

Thomas does not do it willingly.  Ouched myself pounding on the desk to make a point.  2 hours after my deadline to have it done by or loose your cell phone.  (which he had back in his pocket by the time he was off to school - as Mom required for her convenience. )  Now I need to get my head around this.   Algebra is hard for all of us.  Putting it off does not make it easier.   How do I get Thomas to see that.  Looking for help.

Just watched this Ted - about the future of education and that we need to work for. 

And saw an interesting one on math. Well on point for me and Thomas today.
it is 16 min long. But worth it in the end.


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