Thursday, March 31, 2011

Recalling the best fishing prank ever pulled on me.

In a Marlin Tournament Long ago I had a fishing prank pulled on me.

Riding on a 55 foot Hatteras I think.  Owned by a Doctor.  MDRA member a long ago. (before my first boat)

The owner hooked up a bucket onto a trolling rod...  Reel screams! They are yelling to me that it's my fish.  I'm in the top of the tuna tower.  Scrambled all the way down to the deck and fought it until I saw the white bucket roll up.  Doha.  Good for Smiles all around.

I was young and green enough not to realize that I was being played from the get go as you never leave the cockpit area when you are "On" and are the next up in the rotation.

But I was brought along for my young and good eyes not for my fishing smarts.  There was a paid captain and a paid deck hand aboard for the thinking and tying the knots.

I was delivered sandwiches by the owner who did tinker tasks and galley work for the fun of it.  He sure had a lowered stress level once on the boat like that.  He was as mellow as any boat owner on the water I have ever seen.  But he loved to win when the fish came tight!

Good memories.  Just one of the many marlin boats I've had the pleasure to be on.

Thanks for the Fishing Memories.

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