Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Online Life... and kids cell phones

First comes Chat Rooms, Blogging and MySpace.
Then add You-Tube, FaceBook, Linked-In and Twitter.
Are we at Overload Yet?

A few Bloggers have hit the money tree with lots of traffic and a few adverts converting to clicking customers. Mostly it is nice to have freedom or speech. I use one for family history. This is the one. Then I have two for business. La La Land and Westside Income Prop. None of my Blogs make money on advertising. I do receive a few leads from the Real Estate Blogs.

I have a MySpace page to keep an eye on my kids. I have a Twitter account so I can say I know what it is and how it works. I like FaceBook to do the combo of what MySpace and Twitter want to be.

I like that Conan O'Brian joke in his bit on The Tonight Show... "In The Year 3000!"

In the Year Three Thousand the web sites MySpace and Facebook and YouTube and Twitter will combine into one super time wasting web location now known as You-Twit-Face.

So, yeah, this stuff does suck a bit of time away from me. But I think it is fun. And in a way a Time Capsule of this day in my life. Hopping it does not bore you.

I'm confident Twitter will go by the wayside as it is not money producing in a meaningful way. And only the youth with Phone Texting Addiction can keep up with it. To what end? I do not think we need to know when the Tweeter is out for coffee or a yogurt or a smoothie. Overload of useless info. Then today I see RevTwt. A way to turn Twit into a ???

Speaking of Texting...

Both Thomas and Ryan have now lost their cell phones to the warm and bubbly waters of the new hot tub. Thomas is now almost 2 weeks with no cell phone. Ryan is on day three today. And School is about to let out. How will they adjust to not being able to Text and be able to call on Mom or Dad to do whatever at whenever???

When I was in 6th grade... A LONG TIME AGO. The home TV went out. (Yes we only had one back then. AND Yes it was color.) Mom decided not to have it repaired right away. This was a good thing for me. I got Out of the House. I made a new friend a bit further afield then normal. He turned out to be one of my Life Long Best Friends. (Matt G.) And on top of that we got out there and Did Stuff. We roved across wider areas and learned to do things.

Hopefully while Ryan and Thomas are without Cell Phones they will learn a new skill. Being timely and communicate with Mom and Dad before leaving the house? This would be a good thing. A good change from "I'll call you..." slam goes the door.

My thoughts and Ramblin' for today.

Keith <">< - that is a fish.

PS feedback and comments on how long Ryan and Thomas will last with no cell?

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