Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Healthy Living - Healthy search results - reaching out more than once

I want to go on a crusade to remind folks to use the other Search Engines too.  Google does Not own the entire www search world.  For example... Recall that at one time Ford/Chevy/GM thought that they owned the auto industry out-right?  Now the times have changed.

My_Space was the darling of the social media environs on the web for a time.  Now Facebook is being pressured by others and Kids do not use it as their parents will see what they are up to.  (and future bosses)

Google is not a for sure thing ether.  For example I searched for "cream of broccoli soup with cheddar"
on all these three search engines...

AND really liked that Yahoo and Bing both listed an recipe at

Thinking that healthy foods into my diet mean not just cracking open a dang can.  Since I'm cooking for myself nowadays.  Eating out 3 times a day is not healthy to your gut or your back pocket.

And that we need to look to more than Google to find the nuggets of cool stuff on the web.

My thought for the day.

Have a good one yourself...


1 comment:

Keith L said...

Okay maybe I need to work without the TV on with Food Channel going.

For example the Buckhorn...

is making me very hungry.

I did like the info about the Good Carbs to eat and the sugars that are bad for you. Vs the Sugars that are okay to eat. That segment makes me feel better about using a real sweetener like Honey in my coffee.