Tuesday, October 16, 2012

More than 2 are running for President in 2012

Why is everyone thinking that there are only 2 candidates?  Are we voting for the better of two bad choices?

The news only gives press time to the top two.  Both the candidates form the Democrat and Republican primaries are the worst of the initial contenders. The ones that did the best at appeasing the primary nut-jobs.

Does anyone even know the names of the Green Party candidate?  It's Jill Stein.  Do you know her policy positions?  If they align better than Obama or Romney maybe you should vote for her!

Or the Libertarian Candidate that is getting great reviews. Gary Johnson is the Libertarian Presidential Candidate.  Read about his policies at http://www.garyjohnson2012.com  I think many people would appreciate the "I Side With" quiz to realistically find the candidate that shares your views. (See link)

Why are we* not screaming that we want the best Candidate?!  Instead of the party that will sell us down the river of partisan politics and more of the same failed partisan politics.

We must, as a nation, move away from the partisanship of Republican vs Democrat as a polarity issue   We are smarter than that.

I have heard the conservative Democrats of Virginia rile and they would make the most conservative republican of Orange county gasp at the narrow mindedness and strict conservative bent.  THESE ARE NOT COMPATIBLE.  If we solely decide on ONE hot button we are also being simpleminded.

Think people.  Follow your higher mental capacity to ask the truly important questions.  Them go vote and vocally support your man/woman.

If you must support your union to keep your job... then vote your Teamster or Teachers Union ticket.  If you must have Woman's rights as the one key item then research who will do the most to keep freedom of choice in their heart.  What about other personal rights, Freedoms.  Surprise.  It is not all owned by a Democrat or a Republican alone.

This election matters and your vote for the Most Qualified or Best Policy is better than throwing away your vote for the better of Two Bad Choices.

Keith Lambert.
I vote.  I fish.  I love my dog.  AND I love the US of A

* "We" means all US voters.

1 comment:

Keith L said...

A thoughtful voter ought to vote for the Best Candidate. Not the better of two bad choices. Maybe this link will let folks see how they really compare to the candidates. Maybe a vote for a Green or Libertarian candidate is better. Life is not Black vs White it really is a lot more than a few shades of Gray too. There are other colors and mixes of opinions. I wish we all could vote for the best Man or Woman who will do the BEST for our Nation. A novel idea. Vote FOR leadership. Not for the better of two bad choices.

See: http://www.isidewith.com/