Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Possible woman president

Hillary Clinton - story in the news worth taking note of...

Liberal reporter talking about her obituary.  He writes: "she may have been glamorous as secretary of state but didn't actually accomplish much."  Other than talking about woman's rights at the U N etc.

And he writes: "When politicians have trouble spinning their own glories, that’s a problem."

Nope.  Not really the type of endorsements needed while your White House bound in here.

"...she may have grander dreams about how her obituary should begin."

Lets see if it starts off with 45th President and first woman president or Wife of the 42nd President and First woman candidate for President. Also Secretary of State and a Senator from New York even though she never actually lived there until...

Either way a fantastic accomplishment.  But is she able to actually lead and succeed once elected?  A really hard question.  N matter if you are a liberal progressive and blinded by party loyalty.  This question matters.

Yes it matters to the conservative too.  It is a real possibility that she may win the top post of the land.

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