Friday, May 06, 2005

It is Friday again

Here we are at a Friday again.

Good thing. Maybe socialize with neighbors again or maybe go to a movie and get a babysitter. That would be a good thing. Needed.

Trish and I have had a few heated moments recently as sometimes happens

So a date night out is really needed.

On the boat side I picked up a good bit of wood to fix up a mount for the 6 hp outboard Ryan got for his dinghy. Hooked up with good old Ed Basier to go down to the boat and look around. Which was good for me. he was a healthy breadth of fresh air. He knows just about everybody as he has been in the community for so many years. He had a lot of good encouraging words to say about the boat/boating/Catalina/family that I feel reassured that I am on a good track with the boys.

Thomas has a Batting practice at 5 pm tonight. And the season is close to over. Dang. I like rooting for the home team so much. I get so proud of them when I watch them do well... I can't hold back on my joy.

Gotta Run now. More stuff to do.

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