Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Three men in a Car can get along

Had a OK Tuesday with the boys. I had a not so OK Tuesday getting things done. IE TV repair – with gouging prices from Audio-Video Center in SM. (Even Sony would sell the part at full retail for $200 and Audio Video Center charges $300 for same part. XL2000U Made me mad to see thm attempt to gouge customers so much.) And other trivial distractions…

But after giving the boys some of what they wanted to do… (It being Spring Break.) They both cooperated to pack an overnight bag and go visit Grandma and Grandpa for the day. My Mom (aka Grandma) really likes Easter and having the family around. We are doing a Road Trip out of town on that weekend. So this was our and her only opportunity to visit for the whole spring Break. Wow! The Kids behaved!

They played well together and had a ball. I let them be boys and have a little longer leash than their Mom would have. And it paid off. Tug and poke and sink (in the pool) etc. While I got to catch up with family conversation.

I swam a little with them and older boy wanted me to play “Tickle Shark”. A game I used to play with him years before. It was a way to reconnect with a happy time. I get to swim and chase the boys. A very healthy form of roughhouse that leads to healthy male touching and poking and tickle and testing of strength and agility. That is what a strong Pre-Teen boy wants. He wants to test your and his ability. He wants Fun and Action.

Thomas got into it some. He spent a lot more time on the wall for safety etc. But he and Ryan have a new trick. They cooperate and Thomas stands on Ryan’s shoulders until the count of 60 seconds before taking a jump/fall. Ryan works to keep him balanced and to be out into water nose deep. Fun to watch. They have fun doing it too.

Then after swimming and a change and a shower they were cooperative and mannerly for dinner at the formal dinner table! Wow. They can do it. Ryan helped and participated in conversation and helped clean up afterwards. Very well behaved.

What a change from the usual teasing of his brother at home. Not a word of backtalk for anyone. (unlike the many times when the family has casual kitchen dinners at home.

After dinner we all played a domino game of Mexican Train. 5 of us working together and helping and politely taking turns. Thomas is good at this game. So the game is fair regardless of age. If you’re ever at our house Please ask to play.

Then I found out what prompted the nice manners from Ryan. He wanted to return home and not stay the night. The Ruse was so that he would be in good graces to get a special request. All so that he could have more play time with his pals at home the next morning.

We then made the long drive back in the pouring rain. Seeing swamped roads and stalled cars often. The long drive late at night was just within my tolerance.

Therefore the “three men in a tub” analogy. We were afloat often on the late drive home.

Thomas napped in the back seat and Ryan and I got in a good “Father – Son” conversation when he talked about his prized possession of VIP cards to the Spearmint Rhino that offers 1 free lap dance. He does not want Mom to find them in his wallet. So he wants to sell it to me. For cold hard Cash!

I don’t want Trish to find them in my possession now that I think about it. I don’t go waste money on that stuff. Need the $ for fishing expenses.

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